Accredited Investor vs. Qualified Purchaser: What's the Difference?

Being an accredited investor or qualified purchaser shows a level of investing sophistication, but there are key differences.

Investors who meet certain criteria may be designated as an accredited investor or as a qualified purchaser. These investors are allowed to invest in certain securities that are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In looking at an accredited investor versus a qualified purchaser, there are some differences to keep in mind.

Among the securities generally requiring that those who invest in them be either qualified purchasers or accredited investors are:

What is an accredited investor?

An accredited investor in the United States is a person considered to be financially sophisticated and has less of a need for protections provided by regulatory filings. Accredited investors include high-net-worth individuals, plus institutional investors including banks, insurance companies and brokers. Some trusts also qualify for accredited investor status.

For an individual to qualify as an accredited investor, they must meet these requirements:

Additionally, there are other categories of accredited investors, including:

What is a qualified purchaser?

The SEC bases the qualified purchaser status on the value of the investments held by an individual or an entity. Their net worth is not considered in making this determination. To be considered as a qualified purchaser by the SEC, at least one of these criteria must be met:

What is the difference between accredited investor and qualified purchaser?

Both accredited investors and qualified purchasers are able to invest in unregistered private investment opportunities that are generally not available to the investing public at large. These investment opportunities might include private equity funds, hedge funds and other types of pooled investments that are not required to be registered with the SEC as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

While there are a number of similarities between these two classes of investors, there are also some differences.

First, accredited investors must meet certain hurdles in terms of their income or net worth. Qualified purchasers are determined based on the amount of investments they hold. Net worth does not figure into the calculation to determine whether an individual or entity meets the requirements to be considered as a qualified purchaser.

Accredited investors are allowed to invest in 3(c)(1) funds, which the SEC defines as a “pooled investment vehicle that is excluded from definition of investment company in the Investment Company Act because it has no more than 100 beneficial owners (or in the case of a qualifying venture capital fund 250 beneficial owners).”

Examples of the types of investments available to accredited investors that are not available to the general investing public can include:

It is often said that most qualified purchasers are accredited investors, but the reverse isn’t true. The threshold to be considered a qualified purchaser is higher than that for an accredited investor. The $5 million investment threshold may exclude many accredited investors from reaching qualified purchaser status, but most qualified purchasers likely meet the income or net worth requirements needed for accredited investor status.

Qualified purchasers are allowed to invest in the 3(c)(1) funds open to accredited investors, as well as in 3(c)(7) funds, which are regulated by section 3(c)(7) of the Investment Company Act of 1940. These funds can have up to 1,999 investors before falling under the rules of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 compared to the lower limits on 3(c)(1) funds.

This often means that these funds may be larger than those available to accredited investors. The advantage to those offering new funds like hedge funds, venture capital funds, private equity investments and similar funds is that they can attract a larger pool of investors and likely more capital by registering the fund as a 3(c)(7) fund.

What does this mean for your clients?

As with any investment that your client might express interest in or that you might recommend to them, it’s important that any investment falling under either the 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) classification is appropriate for your client based on their risk tolerance and overall situation.

Many of these private funds represent alternative investments, which can help in diversifying client portfolios where appropriate. Along with these diversification benefits can come liquidity issues, however. Most of these funds limit investor access to their money, so it’s important to be sure this works for your clients before suggesting they invest there.

If you are an investor in or otherwise involved with a private fund, it’s important that you ensure there are no conflicts of interest, real or perceived, with your recommendation of the fund to clients. This is important to document, especially if you are held to a fiduciary standard as an advisor.

The status of accredited investor or qualified purchaser implies a certain level of investing sophistication and can expand the universe of investments open to these investors. It’s important that they perform their due diligence on any private fund before investing; in many cases your clients will look to you for guidance here.

(Image: Adobe Stock)