6 Website Challenges Facing Independent Advisors

Slideshow January 03, 2023 at 05:03 PM
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Consumers today are increasingly using search engines to research services and products. For independent financial advisors, their organic website visitors reflect how many potential customers could potentially be interested in their services. But does a beautiful website with a terrific story and compelling content alone help independent advisors grow their online presence to win clients? Recent research by Indyfin, an investor experience platform, says it does not. The flow of quality content is important, the research found, but understanding what drives organic search is also important. Indyfin evaluated about 30,000 investment advisor websites sourced through ADV filings. Researchers compiled traffic data for these websites through the independent website analytics platform Semrush. They excluded heavily trafficked websites of asset management firms, wirehouses, banks, marketplaces, media and other companies that are not primarily in the business of providing investment advice to consumers. They also excluded websites typically considered to be independent broker-dealers. See the gallery for six organic traffic challenges for financial advisor websites.