10 Top Retirement Bills Introduced in 2022

Slideshow March 14, 2022 at 02:37 PM
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While passage of the sweeping Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021, or Secure Act 2.0, is anticipated this year, lawmakers have been busy introducing other retirement-related bills since the start of 2022. Langston Emerson, a partner and policy strategist at Mindset DC, said on March 8 at the Investment Adviser Association's compliance conference that there's a push from House and Senate leaders to get Secure Act 2.0 passed this year "simply because there are a few members, both on the Republican side and Democratic side, that are leaving Congress and this [bill] is a legacy item for them." Secure Act 2.0, which passed the House Ways and Means Committee in 2021, raises the required minimum distribution age from 72 to 75, expands automatic enrollment in retirement plans and enhances 403(b) plans, among other provisions. Bills introduced this year address such issues as improving part-time workers' retirement benefits, Social Security and benefits for COVID-19 emergency service workers. See the gallery above for 10 retirement-related bills introduced in 2022.