Increasing Sales: The Write Way

An author marketer looks at how he made a name for himself.

In the world of sales and marketing, there is a seemingly endless number of ways to increase your success and productivity.

Most financial professionals have tried a little bit of everything, hoping to find something that becomes their “bread and butter.” If you’ve been in business for very long, you’ve probably tried some of the following: seminars, webinars, mailouts, television, radio, public speaking, and many different types of social media marketing.

Early in my career, I started writing articles for several different financial planning publications. That led to my desire to write my first book: Safe Money Matters — Finding Safe Harbor in a Storm-Filled World, published in 2014 and became a #1 Best-Selling book on Amazon.

Not long after publishing this book, my sales started to increase significantly.

This encouraged me to write even more. I wrote articles for Fox Business, Retirement Daily, MarketWatch, The, Ed Slott’s IRA Advisor Newsletter, ThinkAdvisor, and I was also interviewed and featured in a USA Today article written by CFP Robert Powell in 2018.

All of these articles created tremendous marketing leverage for me.

In 2020, I started writing a new book. I have been on the radio five times a week since 2010. I write all of my material for my shows, and my clients and listeners asked me to write a new book. This showed me just how much of a connection there is between what I write and the people who become my clients.

In August of 2021, I released my newest book, “Bulletproof: The Safe and Secure Retirement Income Plan.”

After completing the rough draft, I shared this book with America’s IRA Expert, Ed Slott. Ed sent me a personal message and said, “I have just gone through your book. It is powerful — especially at that beginning. The tax tumor theme is graphic and sends a strong message. I was so moved by many of your messages in the book that I am not only giving you a blurb for your cover, but I have also written a book foreword for you. Please get this book out ASAP — people need this information now! Great work on this. I’m proud to put my name on it and in it.”

Ed graciously wrote the foreword for the book, which was an incredible blessing to me and all of my readers. I also decided to record an audio version of the book. Ed recorded his foreword, and I recorded the book content, which is now on Audible. This has been a tremendous blessing to all of our clients, readers, and listeners.

In 2021, I exceeded my all-time annual sales record by May.

I have surpassed well over 100 million in annuity sales and now have more than 1,000 clients. I can’t even begin to imagine what my business model would look like if I had not started writing articles, radio shows, and books many years ago.

I never hand out a business card to anyone. People throw away business cards. I hand them my book! Books have shelf-life. They live on coffee tables and get picked up by all kinds of wonderful people. Writing has truly become my “bread and butter.”

Brad Pistole, CFF, is chief executive officer of Trinity Insurance and Financial Services in Ozark, Missouri. He is a Master Elite IRA Advisor with Ed Slott Company, and he is a member of the Million Dollar Round Table “Top of the Table.”