Human Capital — 'Secure 2.0': Why Now? With Ex-PBGC Chief Charles Millard

In this episode, Millard discusses the big new retirement bill and whether he thinks it'll pass in the lame-duck session.

In this episode of Human Capital, we talk with Charles Millard, the former director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., now a senior advisor to asset management firm Amundi Pioneer. He discusses why House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., and Kevin Brady, R-Texas, introduced the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2020 just a week before the election.

Millard addresses the bill’s chances of passage during the lame-duck session and notes one  area of the bill that he viewed as slightly disappointing.

Millard also provides an update on the Butch-Lewis Act and its treatment of multi-employer plans as well as the “inherently struggling” PBGC.

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