Let’s assume life will get back to something close to normal again. We will meet new people at social events.
Seeking to develop initial relationships, we need to get conversations going. In social situations, you often have a dilemma. You want to get business into the conversation or learn about the other person, yet not come across as too aggressive.
Here are a few useful expressions. Some you know, others might be new.
(Related: 5 Ways Financial Advisors Miss New Business)
1. That’s a fine firm.
You don’t light your own candle by blowing out someone else’s. It’s easy to be cynical, making negative comments about other people or firms.No one wants t o know someone because they are “less worse” than someone else.
Many people admire a positive attitude. If someone tells you they work with a competitor, it’s a “fine firm” unless there are blaring newspaper headlines telling otherwise.
“Fine firm” comes across as a compliment, letting them know they made a good choice. You have established common ground. Now, you can ask how long they’ve been with that firm.
2. Where’s home?
Conversations often start with “Where do you live?” Standard question. “Where’s home?” sounds much softer. Home is where the heart is. There’s no place like home.
If a person seems resistant to opening up, volunteering your general neighborhood first and asking “Where’s home?” can ease them into opening up.
3. It’s amazing the amount of work it takes to make something look effortless.
You’ve seen those dance competition TV programs. You’ve seen the Olympics. People practice a long time to achieve perfection for a couple of minutes. Because they make it look so easy, many viewers might think anyone can do that.
Investing is another learned skill. It’s been said that when the market goes up, everyone’s a genius. People don’t realize you work as hard for clients in an up market as a down one.
4. Money talks. It says goodbye.
We always find places to spend money. It burns a hole in our pocket. Paying by credit card adds to the problem because it makes money abstract. You aren’t aware of how much you’ve spent until your monthly credit card statement arrives.
There are lots of ads on TV telling you how to spend money, few telling you to save it instead.
This reinforces the rationale that you should pay yourself first and is why many people are behind in retirement savings.