Vote Now for the 2020 IA25

Your input on the 25 industry leaders you're turning to for insights and inspiration is needed by April 6.

Which leaders and innovators are you turning to for news updates, market insights and overall inspiration during the COVID-19 pandemic? 

Popular industry speakers like Liz Ann Sonders, Michael Kitces and Mark Tibergien? Investment specialists like Mohamed El-Erian, Jeremy Siegel and Christine Benz? Firm leaders like Amy Webber and Josh Brown? 

For the third year in a row, we’re asking for you to pick Investment Advisor’s annual list of the top 25 industry influencers. The winners will be featured in the May issue of the magazine.

Though April 6, you can cast your votes for up to 25 individuals, including a write-in nominee of your choice.  And, yes, we agree wholeheartedly that all these folks and so many others in our industry are worthy of recognition.

This year’s poll is different from earlier surveys. We eliminated five categories  to simplify it. We also dropped several past winners and nominees who (generally speaking) aren’t accessible to advisors at industry events, on social media or through other channels.  

Please let us know which individuals are worthy of recognition by voting in this online survey.

To see our coverage of last year’s VIPs, check out “The Connectors: The 2019 IA25.” Thank you for taking part in this year’s IA25 reader poll.