College for Financial Planning Starts SRI Training

About 20% of U.S. AUM is now tied to sustainable, responsible and impact investing.

The College for Financial Planning says advisors can sign up and take its training course in sustainable, responsible and impact investing to become a Chartered SRI Counselor.

According to the group, the new program is attracting lots of attention, “indicating a strong demand for the designation among innovative financial planners and corporate partners.” It was developed in collaboration with US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment, which says that about 20% of U.S. assets under management — over $8.7 trillion — are now tied to sustainable, responsible and impact investing.

“As an industry innovator for over 45 years, we’re gratified to see the tremendous response to the creation of the Chartered SRI Counselor designation and are proud to be the first to offer a program in this dynamic, cutting-edge field,” said Dirk Pantone, president of the College for Financial Planning, in a statement. “We’re excited to extend our reach as a trusted resource in financial planning, alongside great partners like US SIF.”

There are seven parts to the program, including portfolio construction, performance of ESG investments and risks. Those taking the class are taught via live classes, video on demand and online materials and testing.

“The new course will help meet the increasing demand for expertise in … [SRI] investing, coming from both institutional and retail investors,” according to Lisa Woll, CEO of US SIF. “The designation is a key way for advisors to demonstrate expertise to clients. The take-up of the designation will also create an expectation that financial professionals become educated about sustainable and responsible investing.”