As we head into the fourth quarter, are you on track to make your sales revenue goals for the year?
If you’re like many, the fourth quarter can mean it’s time to panic because the end of the year is fast approaching and the finish line is much too far away. Here are some recommendations to stop the panic and to start selling more to finish out the year exactly where you need and want to be.
1. Calculate exactly where you are in terms of your annual sales revenue. You also need to go back and look at your initial 2016 revenue goal to see how close you are to achieving it.
2. Next, take a look at what’s in the pipeline and likely to close in order to get you that much closer.
3. Go back and take a look at deals from earlier in the year that have not closed. See if you can resurrect any of them.
4. Make a list of existing customers that might need additional products or services. Make a plan to start reaching out.