Have you ever seen a home run live? The excitement that fills the stadium is electric!
That same excitement comes alive too when a marketing campaign goes viral. With today’s digital means, we can easily see when something goes viral, not just in the stats, but in the sales too.
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So, how do you hit a home run? We’re here today to let you in on our secrets to hit a home run in digital marketing by having a HIGHLY successful campaign. Here’s what ya gotta do…
It’s that simple. You’re thinking…”that’s it?” Yes. In it’s most simple form, digital marketing successes come from doing these three things, just like playing baseball.
A major league baseball player is not born overnight. These careers often start in neighborhood leagues with tee ball. Only after years of playing school and community sports, are players even at a skill level to be considered for a major league team. Even then, most players start out on farm teams.
The only way they progress and stand out in their sport is by practicing. All of the skills learned from even back with tee ball apply and build upon each other. Tee ball, catch with dad in the back yard, hours of team practices, and more are all foundations that allow a player to be successful in baseball.
The same is true with digital marketing. You have to practice and build the foundations in order to be successful. Has your brand built the foundations to be successful?
Do you have the website in place to direct prospects to? Do you have landing pages set up for your campaigns? Do you have a social media presence and authority built up? Do you have proper branding and marketing materials created?
It comes down to being prepared for handling new clients that walk in your door from a campaign. If you don’t have the foundations in place, you may have a successful campaign, but not one that converts to sales.
You may do more damage than good by promoting a brand that is confusing and flawed. You have to get your foundations in place first!
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