One of my all-time favorite business books, is Simon Sinek’s, “Start with Why,”
His TED talk on this exact subject called “The Golden Circle,” is something that every business professional should watch. In fact, I’ll make it easy for you: Click on the video at the end to watch it.
The simplicity of “The Golden Circle,” makes it easy to understand.
However, when I challenge insurance agents and agencies to apply this philosophy to their own business, they often get stuck.
Simple doesn’t equal easy!
Every insurance agency knows what they do.
Most insurance agencies can clearly explain how they do it.
Very few insurance agencies know why they do it.
The “why” has nothing to do with revenues or profit. The “why” is about your purpose, mission, cause, or belief. As Sinek so eloquently states, “Why do you get out of bed each morning, and why should anyone care?”
Can you answer that question?
If you can’t answer that question confidently, let me put this in context to give you some help.