You know that in order to be successful, you need a value proposition that will stop prospects in their tracks. But crafting one with heft and relevance requires metrics. If you lack the metrics you need to make your case, don’t worry. Here are two sources of information to bring your value proposition into the real world:
1. Talk to your clients. If your clients can’t come up with figures off the top of their heads, you might suggest a range. For example, you might say “On a gut level, would you say we helped cut costs somewhere between 8 and 10 percent?” Your client will say either that you’re in the ballpark or that you’re too high or too low. Either way, you now have some metrics you can use when talking to your next prospect.
2. Research industry statistics. When you go looking, it’s amazing what you can find to support your prospects’ need for your services. For example, 75 percent of technology company executives blame the failure of new products on the lack of a strong value proposition. Or consider the fact that the average person spends 2.7 seconds deciding whether to read an email or delete it. Find the metrics that help make the case for your product or service.