Health insurers continued to narrow the gap between how much the drafters of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) wanted them to spend on health care and quality improvement and how much they do spend.
U.S. insurers are gearing up to pay $332 million in PPACA medical loss ratio (MLR) program rebates to 6.8 million people for 2013, for an average of $49 in rebate money per recipient.
That's down from paying $504 million to 8.5 million recipients, for an average of $59 per recipient, for 2012.
See also: HHS: $1.1 Billion in MLR Rebates to Go to 13 Million Consumers and HHS: MLR rebate total to fall sharply
Officials at the Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight (CCIIO), the arm of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) responsible for helping HHS implement the PPACA provisions that affect the commercial health insurance market, have published those figures in a report on its estimates of carriers' 2013 MLR rebate obligations.