One day about 13 years ago, I was walking through a store with my mom and my baby niece, who was about 4 months old.
She couldn’t say much, but she pointed joyously at Disney toys — and only Disney toys.
I was in the subway a few days ago, and had the good fortune to be standing near a mother and darling 1-year-old baby in a baby carrier. The baby wiggled angrily. The mother gave in handed him a thick rectangle of magic.
“IPhone!” the baby gurgled.
The take-home message: Even babies recognize brand names. Maybe fetuses are floating around in wombs thinking cranky thoughts about why no one let them help choose the new phone’s operating system.
My 11-year-old daughter has had strong opinions about Progressive’s Flo, the Aflac Duck and Allstate’s Mayhem for several years. I think, to be honest, that, as much as she likes Flo, she’s learned about the core idea of insurance — that insurance protects against us against bad, unusual losses — from Mayhem.
Yesterday, we were talking about the class hamster she will be bringing home in a week or so for her stint of weekend hamster caregiving duties. She mentioned that the hamster is 72, in hamster years, and I wondered aloud if the hamster had dementia.