Globally, investor confidence is increasing. When you look at American investors, though, not only are they far less optimistic, they’re dramatically less optimistic than they were in 2013.
Schroders released its Global Investment Trends Report on Wednesday. The report is based on a survey of nearly 15,750 investors in 23 countries.
More than half of global investors said they were optimistic about investments in 2014, up from 48% in 2013. In fact, global investors reported lower levels of concern over several issues, including increased taxes and inflation and low interest rates. Less than a quarter said they were concerned about the economic recovery, down from 40% in 2013. Last year, almost half of respondents said they were most concerned about eurozone debt; in 2014, that fell to 19%.
Just 37% of U.S. investors said they were optimistic about investment opportunities, down from 59% in 2013.
Fears over higher taxes, weak global recovery and increasing inflation are dragging down American investors’ optimism, according to Schroders.