Despite a historically low interest rate environment and other challenging market conditions, indexed annuities recently reached record sales. In the interview below, indexed insurance product expert Sheryl J. Moore explains why, and exactly what it means to the insurance industry.
Additionally, she talks about indexed life insurance sales, the challenges faced by those who sell IUL, and the reasons why it continues to gain popularity among both agents and consumers.
See also:
- Buy term and “invest” the rest with indexed universal life
- Can indexed universal life insurance be called an investment?
- IUL continues to drive life insurance sales growth
- Why indexed insurance products may be the only game in town
- Indexed universal life: Answers to the top questions clients and prospects ask
From, see:
- Annuity rates are up. Are your sales?
- Talking index products with Genworth’s Charlie Gipple
- IUL continues to drive life insurance sales growth
The views expressed here are those of the author and not necessarily those of ProducersWEB.