I find it fascinating how many people claim that cold calling is dead, that it is a waste of time or that it is the least-effective way to generate new sales leads.
I know cold calling is tough. Yes, it is extremely challenging to connect with busy decision-makers. And, true, many companies won’t even accept cold calls from salespeople.
However, that doesn’t mean cold calling is dead. At the same time, there is no magic cure, no if-you-do-this-you-will-win approach. When it comes to cold calling, there is no magic pill. And there is no single strategy that will produce results every time. It takes hard work, effort and discipline to make cold calling work for you.
I recently spoke to a veteran salesman who admitted to looking for an easier way to capture more deals, even though he knows it takes hard work to capture any sale worth more than $25,000. At the same time, one of his colleagues consistently puts forth the effort to call more than 100 people each day. Not surprising, this salesman has connected with more prospects.