You meet people at a meeting or conference and exchange business cards. And what do you do with those business cards? You put them in a pile with all the other business cards you have collected and promptly forget about them, right? Or worse, they are misplaced and what could have been a valuable connection is never made.
But there is a solution to that pile of business cards waiting to be processed. It’s called CardMunch, and it eats your business cards in no time.
Here’s how it works:
- Take a picture of a business card and upload it.
- People at CardMunch will input the data from that paper business card into an electronic one, including any LinkedIn profile information.
- Then connect via LinkedIn, sync the contact info with your address book or send your new contact an email straight away.
Yes, you read that right: Real people will process your business cards. No OCR (optical character recognition) tools that don’t recognize designs or anything unusual. I have used traditional scanners in the past, and I must say that CardMunch does a superior job — because it’s people doing that job.