Want some simple guidelines you can implement today to boost your e-marketing efforts? Here are five things you can do right now.
- Write a blog. Your marketing efforts should include a weekly (if not daily) blog that would be of interest to your target audience. Offer solutions to problems, complementary advice and deliver value. You don’t have to write a book—a few helpful words or a link your audience can appreciate will have a huge impact.
- Record a video. YouTube has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity in recent years. However, many businesses continue to lag in the video space. Record the seminars and webinars you are already producing. Or, record a vlog at your desk during a few minutes of downtime.
- Share everything. Posting a blog to your website is good; sharing it with LinkedIn connections and Twitter followers is better. Posting a video to your website is good; posting it to YouTube is better. Make sure you capitalize on your efforts by spreading your content all across the web.
- Measure analytics. What works? What doesn’t? You will never know unless you monitor and measure your traffic. At a minimum, use Google Analytics to review your website. This will show you the who, what, when, where and why of website traffic and conversions.
- Do not sell. Insurance agency web-marketing success is completely contingent on your ability to deliver value without overtly selling your product. Offer your website visitors a helpful tip or tool, and the selling will take care of itself.
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John Scranton is an insurance agency marketing expert and vice president of StartUpSelling, Inc. which helps small businesses with lead generation, sales, marketing, website design and branding. For more information and tips from John, visit www.StartUpSelling.com, or go to his blog at http://startupselling.com/blogs/johnscranton.