Ask any CEO to describe his manufacturing or service-delivery process, and he will likely spend hours telling you everything there is to know about it. He will be able to explain not only how it was built up to give his company a competitive edge but also how it has changed over the years.
Ask the same CEO to describe his sales process, and you will likely hear that he has been using the same selling process for years. Or worse, you may just get a blank stare. The reality is that, for many companies, the selling process has not kept pace with the change in buying behaviors. And in too many cases, there is no selling process at all.
Lead generation is one reason the sales process is more important than ever. Progressive sales and marketing organizations have implemented (or are in the process of implementing) lead-generation/demand-generation programs to feed their sales team a steady stream of qualified prospects.
This investment is significant in terms of time and dollars, and many firms are relying on this proven process to gain a competitive advantage. Don’t waste this lead-generation investment by failing to update (or implement) your sales process. The last thing you want is sales-ready leads falling into a black hole.