It’s time again for the annual 100 Best Sales and Marketing Ideas. We’re looking for the best ideas from advisors and other industry experts. The best of these ideas will appear in print in the June issue of Senior Market Advisor magazine and online at
We encourage you to take our survey and get your best idea in so we can include you in the upcoming feature. If you have more than one great idea, feel free to include that as well.
We’ve already begun receiving some responses from readers. Below I’ve included some of the best so far. Just remember to get your ideas in so we can see you in print and online.
Social Media
Don’t pitch your wares! People want to do business with people they like and trust. Start a conversation, establish rapport, and you’ll build a relationship. LinkedIn Tip: Connect with friends, colleagues and people you’ve done business with. Set up the app “Job Change Notifier” ( The app sends you an email whenever your connections change their employer. Great for those working with 401(k) rollovers or simply a great way to congratulate them and keep your network engaged.
Todd Greider
When working with seniors, speak slower than normal. Writing letters? Use 14-point type, and keep it simple and short. Your goal is to build trust and respect ASAP via both the phone and mailings. Don’t think that you can pull the wool over their eyes, and never talk down to them. Make them feel that they are important, because we are.
Donald W.Schulz