Here are a few things to look forward to:
- Larry Winget. You absolutely must see him speak; he will inspire you. You will laugh while you learn. Do not miss this presentation.
- My presentation. This will benefit your career immediately. I will show you how to ask your prospects and clients powerful questions. When you apply these strategies, you will increase your appointments dramatically and have more successful outcomes.
- The break-out sessions. They are amazing at this meeting. Many of the presenters are keynote speakers in their own right.
- The exhibitors. This meeting has one of the finest exhibit halls of any of the meetings I attend. I glean many of the great ideas that I return home with just by hanging out with the exhibitors.
- The timing. The next two years will be exceedingly important. Elections mean that people will be talking about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, health care, pensions and inflation every day for the next two years. Our clients will be more aware than any other time in history. How valuable will you become to your prospects and clients if you can explain the consequences and opportunities those discussions present?
Most agents are only an inch from the success they desire. This meeting will provide you with the information you need to be successful. Don’t miss it.
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Van Mueller has spent 37 years working in the insurance business, and has held Top of the Table status with the Million Dollar Round Table for more than a decade and was also Senior Market Advisor’s 2010 Advisor of the Year. For more information, go to