Last week I presented some lead generation mistakes to avoid, including banking on the “one-contact close,” mistaking email for a CRM system and not purchasing qualified leads. Here are three more.
1. Failing to nurture a “colder” lead. Leads need to be nurtured. Difficult economic times slow buying decisions. Those decisions will be made eventually, however, and unless you have had the patience to stick around and form a relationship with your lukewarm leads, you lose out to someone else when they become red hot again.
2. Chasing the same leads as everyone else all the time. Yes, the insurance industry is highly competitive and there are bound to be plenty of occasions when you and a rival are chasing the same lead. Don’t let it become your only strategy. Make the investment in a few exclusive, qualified leads and you can get on with the business of making the sale without having to worry about which of your competition your prospect is meeting with next.