The Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards just launched a campaign called “Let’s Make a Plan” to raise awareness of CFPs practicing in the U.S. among the “mass affluent initiators” demographic. Mass affluent initiators tend to trust experts, prefer to work as part of a team, are responsible and practical and think managing their finances is complex and time-consuming. Here’s what you can do to take advantage of the campaign.
TV commercials: The campaign kicks off with three months of 30-second TV spots broadcasted nationally on both cable news and lifestyle stations including HGTV, Travel Channel, History Channel, ESPN, ESPN 2, Fox News, Fox Business, CNN and MSNBC.
What you can do: Embed the commercial video on your website, share it on your social media accounts or include it in an email campaign. The video can be found here.
Print magazine ads: Print ads will be placed in nationally distributed magazines including Smart Money, Kiplingers, Money and Wall Street Journal throughout 2011 with at least one ad running in a major publication at all times. For a complete print advertising schedule, go here.
What you can do: Download editable versions of the same print ads and customize with your company name and contact information. These ads can then be placed in your local publications at your own cost. You may want to consider hiring a professional graphic designer to help you edit the advertisement.