Botox is not a permanent solution to aging and wrinkles; it’s a superficial fix, and after a few months, the same old wrinkles reappear. There is often the urge in business to look for a quick fix to bring new business fast. There is nothing wrong with a quick fix, but you may end up doing it over and over again, instead of getting to the root of the issue and developing a long-term solution.
We look at one main indicator to determine the health of the business: Are you getting as many qualified referrals as you believe you deserve? If a business is lacking referrals, the first reaction may be to look outside of the client base to attract new clients by advertising, sending direct mail, conducting workshops, etc.
The best plan of action may be to use some quick-fix strategies while, at the same time, looking more in depth at the business. Evaluate and improve service, communication, interactions, Web presence, presentation of your benefits and, ultimately, the ability to generate referrals.