Rich Brooks of flyte media says social media is a bank, and like with any bank, you make deposits or withdrawals. “The problem is that too many people jump into social media, starting with a balance of $0.00 and start withdrawing like there’s a run on the bank,” he wrote on his blog.
Are you guilty of posting or Tweeting things like: “Visit my website at!” “Like my Facebook page!”or “Watch this video where I talk about how long we’ve been in business!”? There’s nothing wrong with talking about yourself and your business, Brooks maintains. But, remember, for everything you put out there about yourself, you make a withdrawal.
The solution? Start making deposits. Brooks writes, “Start promoting other people’s stuff. When you see a friend, customer or even a competitor talk about an award they’ve won, a webinar they’re putting on, or a clothes drive, retweet it, share it, like it.”
It’s important to respond or comment back to people who take the time to comment on your blog or page. If you get a question on LinkedIn, take the time to answer with a detailed response. Also, how often do you take the time to recommend someone on LinkedIn without being asked first?