The Charles Schwab IMPACT 2010 Conference will focus on technology at the annual conference from October 26-29, as advisor registration has already outpaced last year’s numbers, according to Schwab on Thursday, August 26. The conference will have keynote sessions featuring Mellody Hobson, president of Ariel Investments; Schwab Chief Investment Strategist Liz Ann Sonders; Henry Paulson, former Treasury secretary; Chris Hughes, co founder of Facebook; Biz Stone, co founder of Twitter; and Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State.
The IMPACT 2010 Conference has five educational sessions focused on preparing for cost basis changes, increasing productivity, and a spotlight session with head of technology solutions Neesha Hathi, as well as information on how Schwab intelligent integration will help financial advisors tend to more clients and spend less time processing data. In total, advisors will have more than 60 educational sessions on topics such as practice management, investing, working with retirement plans and technology and trading.
There will also be two educational sessions when advisors can learn more about using social media, why they should care about social media, as well as exploring social networking Web sites during the session. Additionally, advisors can participate in multiple hands-on technology sessions on specific topics.