WASHINGTON–America’s Health Insurance Plans today urged Congress to revise current healthcare reform proposals to focus more on cost controls and medical liability law reform.
AHIP’s comments were in a letter to Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
It came as the House Democratic leadership and President Obama continued working to round up the votes to pass the version of healthcare reform legislation approved by the Senate last December.
The next key is a vote, probably Wednesday in the House Rules Committee to clear the bill for floor action.
A vote on the House floor could occur as early as Friday.
AHIP’s letter also promised to begin working immediately with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to develop a template its members can use across the country to provide information on the factors driving premium increases.
At the same time, AHIP President and CEO Karen Ignagni said, “As you request transparency from our members, we urge you also to consider pursuing transparency for hospitals, physicians, pharmaceutical and device companies, and other suppliers.”
The letter said health insurers are “particularly concerned” that there are inadequate incentives in the legislation to bring everyone into the system, that new age-rating requirements would drive up costs for younger families, and that the proposed premium tax on health insurers would further drive up costs for consumers in the individual and small group markets.