1. Playboy — The girl next door and intelligent liberal thought has become teased blond strippers and a creepy old man.
2. Dennis Hopper — Republican (and Newt Gingrich confidant) Hopper just isn’t as much fun as he used to be. We long for Blue Velvet.
3. Beatles reissues — We get it. They were good. But Sgt. Pepper‘s cover art doesn’t look right on a CD case.
4. Tom Wolfe — The Right Stuff was the right stuff. Let’s forget A Man in Full.
5. Jack Nicholson — We love the cocky Jack, it’s just he hasn’t earned it in a while.
6. The Rolling Stones — Name a hit song they’ve produced in the past 15 years.
7. Field of Dreams — Costner’s heyday, but see Wolfe and Nicholson above.
8. The Doors — Gonna have to take issue with this one. Long live the Lizard King.
9. Oliver Stone — Stone’s paranoid freak out fantasies put to film have grown tiresome.
10. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame — Madonna, Grand Master Flash, Bob Seger? Talented entertainers all. But, c’mon …