From the July 2009 Issue of Senior Market Advisor Magazine
There are lead programs and then there is the ClientMaker leads program. What makes this program stand-out? Real ROI. It’s time for you to spend your marketing dollars filling your calendar with quality prospects quickly and with greater efficiency.
Guaranteed results
Don’t take chances with unreliable lead programs that “might” work for you. Instead choose the program with consistent nationwide results over the last three years and the only one that GUARANTEES results. From a thousand-piece mailing, you will consistently receive twenty to twenty-five responses and we will guarantee at least ten. How does that correlate into ROI? Based on industry and client data that we have received you can anticipate approximately five appointments with one or two sales. When you work the numbers backwards that translates into a several hundred percent ROI!
Time Is Money
With ClientMaker you will typically see your first response within seven to ten days of a mailing and on top of that, you get immediate notification of your lead. The ClientMaker program takes both toll-free phone responses and response cards, giving the prospect two ways to respond.
If the prospect responds by phone, the call is recorded and posted on the agents personal web log-in. You can listen to the call, on which the operator asks the prospect a series of questions that will help you garner more information about the prospect before you make that phone call back. At the very least, you can hear the way the prospect says their name, and when you call them back within minutes have the best opening line possible, “Hi Mrs. Jones, I am returning your call.”
As we all know too well, the prospect usually wants the agent to just send the information in the mail. Here is how we get the appointment.