On the heels of the SEC’s new summary prospectus rule, which became effective March 31, NewRiver has launched the Summary Prospectus Index, a weekly tracking of summary prospectuses filed on the SEC’s EDGAR system. NewRiver says the Index will track the growth of summary prospectus filings and the statutory prospectuses that have filed a summary prospectus section.
The SEC’s summary prospectus rule, NewRiver points out, requires firms to deliver the summary prospectus in either print or electronic format and to “make the longer ‘statutory’ prospectus available to investors within a mouse click via layered disclosure.” The NewRiver Summary Prospectus Index tracks fund families, fund names, and the number of filings for both standalone summary prospectuses filed via Form 497K, as well as filings of statutory prospectuses that include a summary section, NewRiver said in a release announcing the Index.
NewRiver also notes that to date, thirteen fund companies including American Funds, Nuveen Funds, and Van Kampen Funds have filed summary sections within 58 statutory prospectuses. In addition, NewRiver says three fund companies including Embarcadero Funds, Diamond Hill Funds, and Guinness Atkinson Funds have filed 18 standalone summary prospectuses. NewRiver’s “Index will be of interest to mutual fund firms and intermediaries who will ultimately benefit from the summary prospectus rule through reduction in costs associated with traditional print delivery, as well as investors who are eager for simplified fund comparisons,” NewRiver stated in the release.