January 2, 2007
Agents can set their sights on DI sales success and learn the latest about DI offered by Illinois Mutual, Peoria, Ill., at Illinois Mutual's newest round of DI seminars. Working with the theme, "Magnify Your DI Opportunities," the seminars will guide agents through Eye on DI – Illinois Mutual's new comprehensive guide to understanding and selling DI to Middle America. This invaluable tool outlines clear, easy steps for selling DI, giving new and experienced agents a track to follow to be successful with each sales opportunity. Everyone who attends will receive a complimentary copy of the guide.
The seminars kick off February 6, and continue through May 2007, stopping in over 20 cities. Registration begins at 9 a.m., with the seminar starting promptly at 9:30 a.m. and ending by noon.