Standard & Poor’s launched the S&P Completion Index, which covers more than 4,300 mid-, small-, and micro-cap companies. Additionally, it launched the S&P Total Market Index, a combination of the S&P 500 and the S&P Completion Index. The S&P Market Index includes all common equities listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq National Market, and the NASDAQ Small Cap…
…Rydex Investments received a private letter ruling from the IRS that will enable advisors and investors to acess the commodities sector via the Rydex Commodities Fund, which will also waive 35 basis points of its management fees until June 2007. The total expense for the fund will be 1.2%…
…Fidelity Investments registered with the SEC to expand the Fidelity and Advisor Freedom Fund products with funds designed for target retirement dates in 2045 and 2050…