The 14 Best Days in the Stock Market Since 1950

Slideshow November 11, 2022 at 02:25 PM
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The S&P 500's 5.5% surge on Thursday was its largest one-day percentage gain since April 2020 and the 15th highest since 1950 — a promising move for clients who have seen their portfolios trampled by this year's tumultuous market. Financial advisors looking to offer even more encouragement can point to data gathered by Compound Capital Advisors founder and CEO Charlie Bilello, who tweeted that the market is typically higher a year after large daily spikes.  Since 1950, in fact, the market has been up a year later after 22 of the 24 biggest gains, he said. There's no guarantee, of course, that stocks will make a similar climb following the most recent spike. Check out the slides to see S&P 500 total returns five days, three months and one year after the 14 largest one-day percentage gains, per Bilello and Compound Capital. (Photo: Shutterstock)