Service Not Fully Understood: 100 Years Ago in Insurance

An editorial.

Here is an article that appeared in the Dec. 29, 1921, issue of The National Underwriter Life Insurance Edition.

If more people in high places just understood life insurance better, they would get back of life agents even more strongly than they do now.

It is the desire of nearly every leader, whether he be in politics, religion, business or whatnot, to encourage thrift. They seek to have the people acquire reasonable bond holdings. They boost for baby bonds and for the sale of bonds on the installment basis.

The truth of the matter is that life insurance men are actually selling vast holdings in the bonds and mortgages of the country when they sell life insurance. Except when he sells term insurance, the agent sells each policyholder a small interest in every security which his company owns or will own as long as the policyholder or beneficiary (by installment settlement option) remains with the company.

When many small investors disposed of their Liberty bonds, they were acquired by many other small investors if the purchaser was an insurance company.

If the small investors had bought the bonds direct, instead of through insurance companies, they might have received a slightly larger return, but they would not have received the advantages of insurance protection along with their bond purchases.

Where small investors go in for bonds that are not as safe or as stable as federal government securities they likewise take chances on the bonds. When they go in collectively through an insurance company, they get a bond-buying service without a superior, and they likewise get a guaranteed return.

When more people understand just how insurance promotes thrift, endorsements of life insurance will be more fervent and more frequent. In gathering the endorsements of the president and his cabinet members and of many governors and giving these out in an unselfish manner, the Prudential has shown everyone in the business that life insurance stands higher than many engaged in it really believed. Too often agents get the idea from a few rebuffs that the position of insurance is not as high as it should be. The Prudential has done much to correct this idea. It has shown everyone how the help of leaders can be secured to advance a cause that all want advanced when they really understand the cause and its accomplishments.


Pictured: An illustration of Prudential Insurance Company’s old headquarters. (Image: The Dec. 29, 1921, issue of The National Underwriter Life Insurance edition)