Human Capital: Brad Campbell Details Oddities of DOL Fiduciary Rule

In this episode of Human Capital, we talk with Brad Campbell, former assistant secretary of the Labor Department’s Employee Benefits Security Administration, who’s now a partner at FaegreDrinker in Washington.

In this episode of Human Capital, we talk with Brad Campbell, former assistant secretary of the Labor Department’s Employee Benefits Security Administration, who’s now a partner at FaegreDrinker in Washington.

Campbell weighs in on Labor’s controversial fiduciary prohibited transaction exemption to align with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Regulation Best Interest, and clarifies a couple “unusual items” that were included in Labor’s plan.

Comment letters continued to flood in just before the Aug. 6 comment period on Labor’s controversial plan ended Thursday, Aug. 6.

Campbell also talks about an “emerging issue” in litigation involving retirement plans: getting access to participant data, and the data privacy implications. He also clears up some confusion surrounding Labor’s ESG proposal.