What Do You Think About the Fisher Controversy?

Take our quick poll. We need your views on the Fisher firestorm.

(Image: Chris Nicholls/ALM and Gillianne Tedder/Bloomberg)

Please take our quick poll here.

It’s been a month since the Tiburon CEO Summit when the well-known advisor Ken Fisher described the process of winning clients as similar to “trying to get into a girl’s pants,” among other crude comments — and was then called out for the remarks on social media, sparking public outcry and more than $3 billion in redemptions.

We would like to know your views on Fisher’s comments, the industry’s reaction to them, and what should be done in response to the issues that have been raised.

The responses will be tallied and presented soon online on ThinkAdvisor and in print in Investment Advisor magazine.

For a quick rundown of the fallout from Fisher’s remarks, see this ThinkAdvisor timeline.

Thank you for taking part in this important poll.

Please take our quick poll here.