CFP Board Offers Digital Certificate

A new digital certificate allows CFPs to highlight their status and aids investors in verifying an advisor's credentials.

Investors have various ways to check their advisor’s credentials, but now the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards has added a digital certificate to allow consumers to verify a financial planner’s certification status.

The certificate can be embedded on an advisor’s site or in email, can be shared via social network, or can be downloaded as a PDF, the CFP states. Advisors can access their copy of the certificate through their CFP Board account.

“In our technology-driven society, the digital certificate makes it easier for CFP professionals to share their qualifications with peers, clients and prospects,” said CFP Board CEO Kevin R. Keller, in a statement. “It’s also a tool for consumers to verify their CFP professional’s certification and supports our mission of providing competent and ethical financial planning advice.”