If you’re not using inbound marketing to help build your book of business, you’re missing out on a tremendous opportunity. For the past decade it’s been the most effective marketing method for conducting business online. Inbound marketing is an inexpensive and nonintrusive way of using educational content and social media to develop your clientele. It delivers what your prospective client wants, where they want to find it, right when they need it.
Give Them What They Want
And give it to them for free. Let me repeat that. Free. Although it feels counterintuitive, giving people free, relevant content is at the heart of inbound marketing, which starts with a single blog. Does blogging really makes a difference? Yes, it does. Businesses that consistently blog draw in 55% more web traffic than those that don’t. What’s more, they produce 70% more leads.
Your first posting should provide an answer to a need, challenge or question facing the prospect at that point in their life. Perhaps they’ve become aware they have enough money set aside that they need help investing it and planning for retirement. At this stage of awareness, they’re strangers who recognize they don’t know much about financial advisors or advising. They know they need to find out more. While surfing their preferred social media, they come across your blog posting. It grabs their attention. They read it. The blog addresses part or all of their current need. Interested, they click on a link that takes them to your website.
Once drawn to your website, they discover even more free, value-added material like white papers, eBooks and webinars. The former stranger becomes a return visitor. At each stage of their information journey, you provide just the right content to answer their question. You’re not selling them anything. You’re providing information. This helps establish your expertise and your brand, and builds a relationship of trust between you and the prospective client.
Before you start your inbound marketing campaign, be sure to have a library of at least eight publish-ready postings. While some advisors enjoy writing their own content, this does take a bit of time. Your broker-dealer should have a library of compliance-ready content for your use.
Where They Want to Find It
Social media platforms provide a convenient, online gathering place to shop, socialize, communicate — and self-educate. It’s where they want to be. It’s also where you want to be. Fifty-eight percent of millennials use the internet to not only socialize, but find answers and solutions to their problems. Nearly half of Gen Xers and baby boomers use search engines like Google to find websites that answer their questions.