Managers of the remaining, battle-hardened state-based public health insurance exchanges are battening down the hatches as they prepare for the Nov. 1 start of the third Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) open enrollment period.
See also: 5 mysterious 2016 open enrollment period wildcards
Federal aid is running out. In most states, state funding is hard to come by. Insurers and other interested parties are less interested in whether an exchange can enroll a consumer in coverage without crashing and more interested in whether if it is meeting concrete enrollment and service goals.
Some exchange program managers are hoping stronger agent and broker relations will help, especially in the small-group market.
For a look at what managers of three state-based exchanges are saying about their producer outreach programs, read on.
1. Covered California
The big producer news in California is that Covered California there is starting to get control over its agent commission payment problem.
Exchange agents have been complaining about long payment delays.
Now, the exchange staff says, the agents who serve small groups are getting commissions paid on a regular basis. The staff said at a recent board meeting that the exchange has paid the agent commissions owed through July and as in the process of paying commissions for August and September.