Do you publish a blog for your business? If so, you’ve probably experienced the biggest challenge of blogging: Keeping it up.
Writing a blog takes time and effort. Plus, life (and business) gets in the way. It can be easy to let your blog slip.
But if content marketing is part of your smart marketing strategy, consistent blogging is essential. In fact, letting your blog lapse can be a big marketing mistake. How do I know? I just did it.
It’s been far too long since my last blog post. I have great excuses: Major projects for clients of my marketing consulting firm, new business pitches, wrapping up my term as president of AAF-Cleveland, my daughter’s wedding – yada, yada, yada.
All this combined to create the longest gap between posts in my five years as a blogger and there’s been a direct impact on my business. Here’s what can happen when you let a blog lapse:
1. Reduced visibility:
Publishing a blog puts you front-and-center among everyone you want to influence: Clients, prospects, followers, and colleagues. By interrupting that steady flow of visibility, you let your business fall back a bit – perhaps even dropping off the radar screens of people who might want to hire your firm.