The lifetime odds of dying in an auto accident or from a lightning strike are much higher than the chances of winning the Mega Millions or Powerball lotteries, which odds-makers peg at 175 million to 1.
Those inclined to gambling but who remain insured against the unexpected might consider this sobering fact before they book their next trip to Las Vegas. Such risk-takers (with their lives, if not their entertainment money) are numerous.
According to a new survey from Anthem, conducted to promote September as Life Insurance Awareness Month, nearly 4 in 10 (37 percent) of Americans are without life insurance to protect their families.
Conducted by Opinion Research Corporation on behalf of Anthem, the study polled 1,010 adults 18 years old and older living in the continental U.S. The report focuses on areas where consumers lack financial protection.
The survey does contain positive findings. Among them: a 75 percent of consumers are saving their money.