Stress at work is nothing new, but it’s getting to the point for some that they’re ready to quit and look for another gig.
A survey by Randstrad Engagement offered further proof that stress seems to be growing among workers despite the improving economy. The survey also validated earlier data that indicated women suffer more from workplace stress than do men.
Randstad found that workplace stress trails only to inadequate pay and lack of career opportunities as a factor in quitting a job. Further, 27 percent of women survey cited stress as the reason they quit, compared to 22 percent of male respondents.
Stress as a major factor in a resignation cuts across all generations, Randstad found, as a quarter of millennials, GenXers and baby boomers agreed that stress was the No. 1 reason for quitting a job.
What were the factors behind workplace stress?
- Low pay
- Awful commute
- Unreasonable workload
- Annoying coworkers
- Poor work-life balance
- Working in a job outside one’s chosen career
- Lack of opportunity for advancement
- The boss
- Layoff/firing fear
The implications for management are fairly clear, Randstad said: If stress on the job isn’t addressed, you’re liable to lose your best employees.