Did you know that Google houses a treasure-trove of information on publicly held companies? Or that you could gather sales intelligence about companies of all types through a single web portal?
Were you aware also of links that provide data about international companies, suppliers and old versions of business websites? Did you know, too, that you can find articles and press releases from media outlets throughout Asia, Australia and the U.S.?
If the answer to any or all of the above was “no,” then read on. Answers to these questions were provided at the closing main platform session of the Million Dollar Round Table’s 2014 annual meeting, held in Toronto on June 11. During a 30-minute talk, sales consultant Sam Richter reviewed for attendees — top-producing life insurance sales professionals from across the globe — helpful tips to more effectively search for information about prospective clients. The following is a recap on five of the search techniques.
A tremendous amount of information is available on publicly held companies. One of the easier-to-use sites for finding public company information is Google Finance.
Where to go, what to do
1. Enter a company name in the main search form.
2. Scroll through the result to learn about the company, access company financial information and more.
3. Click on an executive’s name to access biographical information and compensation data.
4. Click on the News link (make sure to click the link within the company section) for recent company news.
This is a one-stop-shop for company sales intelligence.
Where to go, what to do
1. Enter a company name in the main search form then click on the various tabs.
2. “Overview” provides a company description and financial details.
3. “People” provides a list of company executives.
4. “Buzz” shows recent blog posts and tweets, plus a firm website analysis.
5. “More” links you to additional news, job postings and more.
Locate information on international companies and international suppliers.
Where to go, what to do
www.kompass.com and www.solusource.com
1. Go to Kompas and/or Solusource websites.
2. Enter a keyword or product type into the main search form.