Total settlement dollars from securities class actions jumped by 46 percent in 2013, largely driven by six mega-settlements (those at or above $100 million), which accounted for 84 percent of total settlement dollars, according to “Securities Class Action Settlements — 2013 Review and Analysis,” a report issued Thursday by Cornerstone Research.
There were 67 settlements in 2013, up from 57 in 2012 — the first year-over-year increase since 2009, the report found.
“In 2013, total settlement dollars, at $4.8 billion, reached the highest level since 2007, driven by both the increase in the number of settlements overall, as well as the increase in extremely large settlements,” said report co-author Laura Simmons, a senior advisor in Cornerstone Research’s Washington office.
Simmons said the largest settlements in 2013 were associated either with pharmaceutical firms or financial institutions involved with subprime credit crisis allegations.