Your brand new client may perceive your firm as a very responsive and in touch due to your frequent communications. But when that communication falls off, he may suspect you only wanted to land him as a client and are not interested in working with him over the long term.
What you need is a system of regular, new-client communication. Use it not only to stay in touch during the occasional quiet period but also to strengthen the relationship. This will result in a higher percentage of referrals from new clients.
This series of communications should begin right after your prospect becomes a client (the “honeymoon” phase) and consist of a series of letters (or emails) sent 7 to 10 days apart. What should those communications consist of? Read on to find out.
1. Team introduction. Send a letter to introduce (and in some cases reintroduce) each member of your team. Include their photographs. Clients often save this letter to refresh their memories later on.
2. Individual client orientation. Send a letter inviting clients to take part in a one-on-one orientation call or meeting with a staff member to go over online access, financial statements and expectations and to schedule any future meetings.