Word: Perspicuous. Clearly expressed or presented; lucid: “Perspicuous presentations will help advisors land more prospects.” Source: Dictionary.com
On Netflix: Psych. When this USA network mystery in 2006 I thought it was a poor man’s “Monk.” I was right and initially skipped it. But the beauty of Netflix is that shows get a second chance. Sometimes Psych is too cute for its own good, but if you’re a child of the 80s like I am, it’s like hopping into a hot tub time machine and reliving your salad days with all the witty references to the Reagan Decade. Note: the series concludes March 26 as USA chose not to renew it, but if you’re a Netflix addict like my family and me then it lives on.
Blog: salesandmanagementblog.com. “Are your weekly sales meetings building your team, your credibility, and your company’s sales or are they destroying morale, motivation, and undermining your authority? Unfortunately, most sales meeting do far more harm than good to the sales team, the sales leader, and the company. They don’t have to.” Source: “Are Your Sales Meetings Destroying Your Sales Team and Undermining Your Authority?” salesandmanagementblog.com
Podcast: TED Radio Hour. TED brings together the best ideas about technology, entertainment and design from leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs across the globe.
Quote: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln
Marketing tip: “Defining the readers whom you seek is a powerful step for your blog as well as for your business. Sure, you’ll lose some readers, but the ones whom you attract will feel strongly about your content, especially if you identify one of their pressing problems—such as succession planning—and offer solutions for it. Source: Susan B. Weiner,“5 tips that make financial blogging easy”