Managers of the new health insurance exchange programs are wondering if they’ll get another big wave of activity in March, as a major enrollment deadline looms.
State-based exchanges saw activity spike in late December, but, according to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the number of individuals selecting private exchange plan coverage fell 44 percent between December and January.
Many state-based exchanges that used to issue weekly activity reports have either stopped issuing weekly figures or now issue weekly figures only sporadically.
Managers of Covered California recently released figures for the week ending Feb. 8, for example. On Wednesday, however, they skipped the weekly activity report and published a new batch of activity statistics for January.
The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, the agency that oversees the state-based Maryland Health Connection, continues to report weekly activity figures. There, the number of people signing up for “qualified health plans” — private exchange plans — has settled at around 2,000 per week, managers said.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act open-enrollment period for QHP coverage started Oct. 1 and is set to end March 31.