People today don’t read like they once did. They glance, skim, and only go into depth reading the information of immediate concern. And a lot of marketing, frankly, is not of immediate concern.
I’ve been trying for years to determine why some marketing, in general, is simply not effective. In fact, sometimes marketing has the opposite effect than what is desired. Case in point: the company brochure or website. Some firms work for months to create the perfect design with the best writing and layout. Yet later they discover that they could have inserted a swear word inside and no one would ever notice it. Why?
The objective of most marketing materials (including your website) is to present your firm describing the services and unique benefits that a client needs and wants. Ultimately, the goal is to have marketing materials so compelling in nature that people look through and then decide they HAVE to do business with the firm. But the reality is, people aren’t reading most brochures or website copy because there is too much of it, they can’t see how it will benefit them, and they know exactly WHY it is being presented to them … to “sell” them something.
A brochure or website filled with well-crafted marketing phrases and pictures of models and ocean waves hitting the shore certainly is aesthetically pleasing. But in order to compel people to read your brochure and find out more about your firm, your message must sound and be authentic.