Brokers are trying to help the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Board overcome enrollment website problems.
The board has officially pushed back the launch of a Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) exchange enrollment website until Jan. 1, and the SHOP won’t be open at all until April 1.
From April 1 through Dec. 31, Maryland employers who want SHOP plans will have to talk either to the carriers who issue the plans – or to brokers.
Meanwhile, over on the individual exchange side, broker groups are setting up a toll-free hotline to rescue consumers who have no luck using the state’s Maryland Health Connection enrollment website.
The Maryland exchange board talked about broker relations Monday at a meeting.
The state-based exchange has received “qualified health plan” selection information for just 25,177 people.
QHP selection volume increased to 2,665 for the week ending Jan. 18, up from 2,154 the previous week.
But the exchange website has had technical problems, and the exchange call center has had trouble stepping in to compensate.